Friday, November 18, 2011


We have company coming for Thanksgiving and I am not ready. My house is in no way, shape or form stellar. But whose standards am I using? My perceived standards of my pending guests? If so, why should that matter? I ponder these things.

It is my full intention to work on my clutter and housekeeping once my job is over and my company is gone. Doing it for me seems so much different (better?) than doing it for others. But am I really doing it for me, or doing it for yet another person's [perceived] standards? Is getting my house in order a priority because I think it should be based on how I was raised, what society thinks, etc.? I ponder that, too.

What is it I want for my home?

And why do I care what my company thinks of my home as long as they have good food and a good time? I am pondering that, too.

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